Flogging Roo..Equals Urgent Care!!

Flogging Roo... I want to call him a different "F" word!!!

So... As I'm giving my chickens they're beautiful chicken Stew this evening... they have pasta, beef broth with tomatoes,  Celantro, and  garlic added to their wholesome 20% protein. I go to put their just washed, clean dish in their pen and as soon as I open it,  the black frizzle Polish hen decides to fly at my face,  knock the pan out of my hands just in time for the silver lace rooster to flogg me in my hand!

Now remember, it had rained for 2 days straight and everyone is in solid muddy terrain.
 I just did everything I can to get them on to fresh new grass,  clean out their bowls, clean out their coops, made sure that they are dry.

As I'm slipping in front of their coop and in extreme pain, I realize that I have chicken poop and mud all over my arms and face and have a puncture wound that's pretty deep on the top of my hand.

So now I'm wondering what I can use make this chicken my dinner. I'm so pissed at him!

Just kidding I Don't eat my chickens they're just pets.  

So over the night I had excruciating pain and throbbing in my hand the spot swelled up my fingers are swollen and kind of hard to move my hand so after the urgent care ago!

When I arrived to the Urgent Care, I couldnt help but laugh everytime I had to explain what the hell happened to my hand! In all seriousness, it was pretty bad and they were worried about infection. Think about it, your chickens are on the dirt, grass and poop all day which was then injected into my body by their NINJA KNIVES! A tetanus shot in and Antibiotics later, all I needed to fix me right up,  now I need to figure out what to do to make these roosters be nicer!
 Here is a picture of the little Asshole!
