Polish Chicken Project 2018: Hatching Adventures and Fuzzy Surprises


Polish Chicken Project 2018: Hatching Adventures and Fuzzy Surprises

This year, I’m diving into my Polish chicken breeding project, focusing on unique color varieties and frizzled patterns. With carefully selected roosters and hens, the journey has been as exciting as it is rewarding.

Silver laced Polish Roo x ????  Polish puzzle...

Meet the Breeding Pens

  • Silver Laced Pen: Includes a Silver Laced Polish rooster, two black-crested frizzle hens, a Silver Laced hen, a White-Crested Gray hen, and a White-Crested Splash hen.
  • Golden Laced Pen: A Gold Laced frizzle rooster shares his space with three Golden Laced hens and three White-Crested Black hens.
  • Mr. Belvedere’s Coop: A standout Gold Laced frizzle rooster with a Tolbunt hen and a Barred Rock hen

The Barred Rock Story

While Barred Rock isn’t part of the Polish project, her story is special. Rescued from constant duck harassment, she’s now thriving in Mr. Belvedere’s coop. Last year, her chicks were adorable Barred Frizzles, and I can’t wait to see this year’s results!

OK so I know barred rock is not a Polish for the Polish project however she absolutely loves him and won't leave his side.  She is one of my free Rangers and our khaki Campbell duck decided that he wanted to keep having sexy time with her every waking hour.  Barred rock was missing feathers on her head and her shoulders and her back.  So after about 3 months of keeping barred rock in with Mr. Belvedere I decided to let her out.  Yeah that took about 2 seconds and khaki Campbell duck wanted sexy time again.  So right back in Mr. Belvedere's coop she went.  Last year when she was with him she had the cutest barred  Frizzle chickens you've ever seen.  I unfortunately lost them with all its Oklahoma rain... one up for idiot chickens.  This year I'll do my best to try to keep them as protected as can be and alive to add to my free Rangers because they were the cutest thing ever.

This was a grow out that I had given my friend as a 1 day old.

Hatching Season Begins

The first chick of 2018, hatched on March 5th, is a black Polish with a white belly and wing tips—an absolute fluffball! Two more eggs from March 8th have joined the brood: one White-Crested Black or Blue Polish and another Black Polish chick.

WHO CARES!!!   She is so cute and fuzzy with a large top hat, solid black.  I cannot wait to find out what sex it is.  All my research and all the ways that I try to sex Polish,  all signs lean to a roo.   Which is so perfect because I do not have a solid black roo so I can not wait to find out the next 7 months what this baby ends up being.

Now I have 2 eggs dated 3/8/18, I use hatchabatch ap and one of them is pipping right now as we speak.  So who's the mom?  Again doesn't matter!!!  So right now, I'm talking 3/26/18 at 8:05pm we have
 Both 3/8/18 that are pipping!!
And by this morning we have had a WC Black or Blue Polish And a BC black polish chick!! 

What’s Next?

The excitement continues as we wait for the next hatch on April 10th. Every chick brings surprises and joy to this Polish chicken adventure.

🎥 Watch the Magic Happen
Check out my video of a Golden Laced Polish chick hatching! Don’t forget to subscribe and like for more updates on my clucking journey. Have a "clucking" good time watching!
