Moving chick brooder to the pool house!

Moving chick brooder to the pool house!

Well after a week in the garage, these little stinkers need to go somewhere else! I hatched all my Chicken BFFs eggs and have WAY TO MANY!!

I have all the chicks in a large rubber trough that I moved to the pool house. I loaded them up and took them outside. The temperature in Oklahoma has been bipolar lately so I was a little nervous.

I transferred their whole set up and they seemed to be fine. I had one heat lamp on them and another on my 5 week olds.

I covered the rubber through 3/4 of the way with a tarp to keep some warmth in the back area.  The 1st might it went from 60° to the teens!! It even snowed and earthquakes at the same time in April!!

I lost 5 chicks, almost all Polish.  I don't know why I love Polish so much they are such a pain in the ass. They are not hardy at all!! They always seem to huddle and get crushed.  The Silkie mixes and French Cuckoo Marans seemed to fair well.  

I added a secondary heat lamp that day and prayed the next night would get better. It wasn't. I woke up early and went to take care of them and 5 more had passed, including a Silkie mix and a FCM.  

That day it was back in the 60s and fairly decent temperature at night. It's been 2 days and no casualties.  I am down to 2 Tolbunt Polish and one BC black Polish.  I cannot wait for Oklahoma to have Spring!!
