I Have My Ducks in a ROW...then came Dooney and Burke
And then came Dooney and Burke...new ducklings added to the chicken coop
I received a text from my friend asking if I had a pond. I was like, yeah, want to come fishing?
She said no, we have the 2 sweetest DUCKLINGS that need a new home. I told her sure! I already had one adult and a baby, so why not!?! She and her daughter brought them over a few days later. We all held and loved on them for a while. We left them in a kennel for them to stay calm and get use to their surroundings while I showed them around our place. Im pretty sure she went home and packed her bags to move to my place, she was SO in love with all the chickens!!
We let out the ducklings and they were not shy at all, they went off to explore.
Meet Dooney (mallard) and Burke (Blue Swedish)
Dooney, Burke and Roahn

The kids and I caught the triplets and brought them to the ponds edge. They were not interested at all and ran back to the chicken coop. So...we caught them again and put their feet in the water for a little test. We ended up gently throwing them in the ponds edge all at the same time and they loved it! They swam together, started diving under, cleaning themselves and went to the edge to dabble for aquatic plants. Once the new wore off, they hauled ass back to the coop, so cute seeing them run!
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