EASTER EGGER Chicks for days!
As I am having my 1st cup of coffee this morning, I hear numerous cheeps coming from the cabinet incubator in the living room. Yes, I said in the living room, my poor husband! OK, so the sweet hatchlings weren't to come out to play for about more days then I remembered. I took some of this bunch from a broody that sat for a couple days. You see, this broody bounces from one nest box to the next, every few days. I tried to give her a job, but she kept switching, so whats a chicken mom to do? Incubate them all. These eggs were still in rotation and have not been given any humidity. They were at 27%, hatched upright in an egg tray, dried, and drifted to the bottom hatcher tray unscathed.
So I pulled 5 newborns out of the bottom hatching tray. They were just so cute I had to hold them and love on them a bit. And yes, they navigated straight to the hot coffee! After a couple cups it was time to do all my morning chicken stuff. I brought the newborns to the pool house, showed them the water then put them under the new brooder.
Now this thing is huge!! It takes up almost the whole side of the trough!! The chicks love it! They go in and out all day as they please and I don't have to worry about putting on the heat lamp at night, or forgetting to turn it off in the morning. I got this at TSC and is only $40!! I am pretty impressed so far!

And, by the way, TSC is having their chick days again. I may or may have not stopped in 3 times since last Wednesday, you know, just in case there was pullets I would not survive without. I have done a good job talking myself out of it, I have so many teenagers and babies under 8 weeks in my grow out pen, as well as 10 1 week old EE and these new 5 EE. CHICKEN MATH IS FOR THE BIRDS!!
I'm pretty sure all these chicks get their good looks from Rudy Roo. He was so handsome to pose with some of his lovely ladies for me this morning.
Its always a new day with a new plan. Each year I change my mind and decide on new things to focus on. The past 2 years it has been my Polish Project. Now I have the adults and have hatched the babies, I feel like I am on to other things. I am very excited about my Fitz Maran's. They are only 12 weeks right now but when they lay those beautiful Hershey brown eggs I am going to be in heaven! I want to make more for me, some for friends, some to sell, and some to mix with Rudy Roo to make Army green eggs for next year!! Stay with me on the blog to keep up with my ADD planning mind! Oh look, a squirrel....
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