American Guinea Hogs do root!! Escape piggies out on the loose!
3 little pigs wander down the road...
I get a phone call from my lovely neighbor. Are there suppose to be piggies out? All 3 are in my front yard. OMGee!! NO!! they got out!!!! I don't know what to do, I'm at work!! She said she will try to put them back in and get help from her husband. Well, 3 grown men trying to catch 3 fat little piggies didn't work out so well.
I have 2 strands of the yellow electric wire set up on a solar charger inside of livestock fencing. They have been rooting so bad lately, they rooted right under the wire and dug out of their paddock. Why have I read so many articles that say AGH don't root? Yeah, that's not true! I thought I had a nice secure safe barrier. Remember, the fence is the physical barrier and the wire is the mental one. Are they so far they don't feel the zap? No way! If they ever accidentally back up to it while eating I always hear a squeal! They must have grounded the electric wire out with mounds of dirt to disable it.
I left the trailer shop and went to the local farm supply store and bought 5 hog panels, a really cute little green gate and a ton of T-posts. By the time I got home, they were out again!!
They stayed around the Paddock and intermittently visited the chicken coop to cause some havoc. Within 1 hour it was already dark and I already had 1 side done. Not sure what the heck to do, I physically cannot cut this panel!
Here comes Babylove to save the day!! He pulled the truck around for lights and help me cut the side panel to size. We then did the side where the gate was, again, he had to cut a panel for me with huge wire cutters.
Now it was time to herd the piggies. Trying to call them brought them close but not inside. I filled a cup with corn and gave it a little shake. That was the trick! They all came running inside the paddock and went to feast on their corn.
Its been over a month and we have no fugitive problems. I love the hog panel, its about 3' high so I can bend over it and pet them or move their bowl around without going into the paddock. In fact, I haven't even had the electric fence turned on in a long time.
Everyday I learn something new with this little hobby farm. People ask me how I have the time. Its not time consuming unless you have an issue. You learn the weakness or poor decision on a previous project and you correct it. There are successes and failures. Although this was a challenging day, I was only concerned for their little piggy butts to be safe and warm.

3 little pigs wander down the road...
I get a phone call from my lovely neighbor. Are there suppose to be piggies out? All 3 are in my front yard. OMGee!! NO!! they got out!!!! I don't know what to do, I'm at work!! She said she will try to put them back in and get help from her husband. Well, 3 grown men trying to catch 3 fat little piggies didn't work out so well.
I have 2 strands of the yellow electric wire set up on a solar charger inside of livestock fencing. They have been rooting so bad lately, they rooted right under the wire and dug out of their paddock. Why have I read so many articles that say AGH don't root? Yeah, that's not true! I thought I had a nice secure safe barrier. Remember, the fence is the physical barrier and the wire is the mental one. Are they so far they don't feel the zap? No way! If they ever accidentally back up to it while eating I always hear a squeal! They must have grounded the electric wire out with mounds of dirt to disable it.
I left the trailer shop and went to the local farm supply store and bought 5 hog panels, a really cute little green gate and a ton of T-posts. By the time I got home, they were out again!!
They stayed around the Paddock and intermittently visited the chicken coop to cause some havoc. Within 1 hour it was already dark and I already had 1 side done. Not sure what the heck to do, I physically cannot cut this panel!
Here comes Babylove to save the day!! He pulled the truck around for lights and help me cut the side panel to size. We then did the side where the gate was, again, he had to cut a panel for me with huge wire cutters.
Now it was time to herd the piggies. Trying to call them brought them close but not inside. I filled a cup with corn and gave it a little shake. That was the trick! They all came running inside the paddock and went to feast on their corn.
Its been over a month and we have no fugitive problems. I love the hog panel, its about 3' high so I can bend over it and pet them or move their bowl around without going into the paddock. In fact, I haven't even had the electric fence turned on in a long time.
Everyday I learn something new with this little hobby farm. People ask me how I have the time. Its not time consuming unless you have an issue. You learn the weakness or poor decision on a previous project and you correct it. There are successes and failures. Although this was a challenging day, I was only concerned for their little piggy butts to be safe and warm.
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