Growing Peppers from seed under LED lights

Back in the beginning of March, 6 weeks before our last expected frost date, I started seeds in the house. I had them EVERYWHERE! I watched them all day long to see them sprout, and of course, like all you gardeners out there, they take their sweet time and your staring at them all day for no reason! Fast forward 4 weeks.
I had about 100 pepper plants, all varieties. I thought they were ready to come out of the 6 pack planters and I transplanted them into large Styrofoam cups. I used the compost I purchased for my raised beds(which I now know is straight trash), mixed with the miracle grow potting soil they were already in. Within 2 to 3 days, DEAD. Like no recovery dead!
So fast forward to May. About 3-4 weeks ago I broke down and purchased 3 Bonnie pepper plants at Walmart. That totally was just a tease. I was imagining so many things I can do with peppers, and of course how we love to eat them fresh, It was back on.

I started planting every pepper seed I had left. I even took the seeds from store bought green bell and colorful sweet peppers for propagation! Here we are, they grew!! Not all of them but most of them. I'm on the brink of replanting, or putting them right in the raised beds, which, it is warm enough now, and I know they love the heat.
I took a quick video today showing our pepper progress under my 5000 Lumen LED lights I purchased from Walmart. I really love these lights, I grew hundreds of plants under these lights this year!
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