How to Dress Up Our STOCK TANK POOL, Make an Oasis in the Backyard PRIVACY Wind Break

How to Dress Up Our STOCK TANK POOL, Make an Oasis in the Backyard PRIVACY Wind Break

How do you dress up your stock tank pool, how to dress up the backyard and make a privacy fence and wind break?

We are SO in love with our STP! I was OK with just a round silver thing in the yard, because it served this purpose, a plunge pool. So its been about a month and we used a wood spool as a table and put a patio umbrella through the center. It works so well but I am missing the "backyard pool" feeling that we had at our last home.

I decided the best look would be something behind the pool to also function as a towel holder and of course to put some decorations on it to "dress it up", I didn't want anything permanently in the ground due to living on a mountain, its all rock and that would require a jack hammer and cement so I thought hard for a couple weeks about it.
#StockTankPool #Homestead #PlungePool

We used our large cement pots to hold the vertical cedar posts in place, and it worked perfect. WATCH the video to see how we did the rest!!

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