Step by Step How To Use GQF Sportsman 1502 Cabinet Incubator FALL CHICKEN HATCH

Fall Hatch Day You'all!! We incubate some chicken eggs in our GQF Sportsman 1502 Cabinet Incubator. We set a tray of 21 and tray of 36 of some Easter eggers and Randoms. This is a fall chicken hatch, which means they will be laying spring chickens! We have eggs from Brahma, Barred Rock, Rhode island reds, Mille Fleur d'Uccle, Easter eggers, Delaware, Australorp and many more. My chickens have not laid since August, so with a lot of helps from my lovely neighbors, we have hatching eggs!! I use to have over 100 chickens and may specialty breeds. When we moved to the ranch I cut down to just 10 layers and a roo. I am ready to beef up my chicken flock and have more colorful eggs more often. I have some grow outs that are full Crested Cream Leg bars. My only roo is a CCL so any eggs of my own hatching will be green or blue. 2 years ago I had finally achieved a nice variety of dark brown, cream pink, white, and deep green eggs. IM READY FOR THAT!! #GQFSportsman #ChickenEggIncubator #CabinetIncubator

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